What age children is Charlie’s Chimps suitable for?
Charlie’s Chimps Club at Castle Court is for children in Reception and Year 1 at CCS. Regular mini workshops at Castle Court School’s Badger Cubs Club are for little ones aged 3 months to 4 years.
How can I arrange for my child's school, nursery or pre-school to have a Charlie's Chimps workshop?
Do get in touch with the establishment to see if there is the possibility of booking a Charlie’s Chimps workshop! Megan will be delighted to provide a quote for any setting in Dorset.
Is my baby too young or will they still benefit?
How long are workshops?
Workshop timings vary, but are always designed in order to maximise concentration and enjoyment for the children.
Who might the child’s accompanying adult at an open workshop be?
The accompanying adult might be a parent, Grandparent, childminder, relative or friend. All are welcome!
Is it alright to come to Charlie's Chimps if my child or I are unwell?
It’s best not to attend Charlie’s Chimps if you or your child have an illness that is contagious as we want to help everyone to stay healthy. Thanks 🙂
NEWSFLASH! Charlie’s Chimps usually runs Wednesday morning workshops (lasting 20/25 mins) as part of Badger Cubs Club at Castle Court School. These mini workshops are for little ones aged 3 months to 4 years, and also offer the opportunity for a cup of coffee and a play in the delightful grounds. Booking is essential. More details available from Castle Court School on 01202 694438.